
Opti taxi
Movement inspires

Taxi Opti - order online in Ukraine

Opti Taxi is always on your side when you order a taxi. Book comfortable, fast and enjoyable trips with us. Our services are simple, straightforward and inspire you to enjoy every minute of the journey.

Why choose us?

Opti is always on the side of people, joys. We enjoy moving forward, every minute of it, so we encourage others to do the same.
Our voice is simple, clear, warm and inspiring.

Handy application
Handy application

Pay with cash, card, or bonuses

Travel discounts in the app
Up to -50% on trips in the app

Up to -50% on first trips in the app for new users

Presence in three countries and 40 cities of Ukraine
Presence in three countries and 40 cities of Ukraine

We are located in 40 cities in Ukraine and have offices in Poland

Support that understands and solves
Support that understands and solves

Call us with any questions, from 8:00 to 23:00

Loyalty program offer OptiClub

Post your unique offer on our app and get new customers and increased sales

Learn more

What is it like to be an Opti driver?

We ruin stereotypes and offer a new approach to communication and cooperation with our drivers. We see them as partners. Successful, happy, and professional. Opti drivers have multiple incentives: discounts on goods, personal bonuses, team-building events, birthday greetings and free professional trainings. Nothing is impossible for Opti drivers!

Become a driver

Taxi services for account customers

An exceptional offer for companies striving to optimize their transportation costs, monitor rides of their employees and reduce the expenses for maintaining their own fleet (insurance, car maintenance, driver wages, accident payments)

Learn more


Contact phone numbers
Complaints and suggestions: 0800508579
PR questions: [email protected]
To corporate clients: [email protected]
Marketing department: [email protected]
Kyiv: Avtozavodska 25A, office 1, 04074
Opti Gift Certificates
Give the gift of freedom of choice and access to all our services
Opti Gift Certificate for 200 UAH
Opti Gift Certificate for 200 UAH
Opti Gift Certificate for 500 UAH
Opti Gift Certificate for 500 UAH
Opti Gift Certificate for 1000 UAH
Opti Gift Certificate for 1000 UAH