
Opti Taxi 579
Reliable taxi service

Taxi order Zhytomyr

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Why choose us

Opti taxi is always on the side of person, joy, progress. We enjoy every minute of moving forward, so we inspire others to do the same. Our voice is simple, clear, warm, and inspiring.

Handy application
Handy application

Pay with cash, card, or bonuses

Travel discounts in the app
Up to -50% on trips in the app

Up to -50% on first trips in the app for new users

Presence in three countries and 40 cities of Ukraine
Presence in three countries and 40 cities of Ukraine

We are located in 40 cities in Ukraine and have offices in Poland and Lithuania

Support that understands and solves
Support that understands and solves

Call us with any questions, from 8:00 to 23:00

Our rates
StandardAuto manciple class.
EconomBonuses are not awarded! Vehicle base class.
ComfortSpacious cars with increased comfort.
BusinessPremium cars BMW 5, Audi A6 or same.
UniversalCars with increased luggage space. Suitable if you need to carry more than 2 suitcases.
MinibusAuto which has from 8 seats. Suitable for a small group of people.

Loyalty program offer OptiClub

Post your unique offer on our app and get new customers and increased sales

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What is it like to be an Opti driver?

We ruin stereotypes and offer a new approach to communication and cooperation with our drivers. We see them as partners. Successful, happy, and professional. Opti drivers have multiple incentives: discounts on goods, personal bonuses, team-building events, birthday greetings and free professional trainings. Nothing is impossible for Opti drivers!

Become a driver
What is it like to be an Opti driver? Zhytomyr
What is it like to be an Opti driver? Zhytomyr

Taxi services for account customers

An exceptional offer for companies striving to optimize their transportation costs, monitor rides of their employees and reduce the expenses for maintaining their own fleet (insurance, car maintenance, driver wages, accident payments)

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Opti is a symbol of moving forward!
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Opti in Zhytomyr

Opti in Zhytomyr

Zhytomyr is a beautiful ancient town located on the hilly banks of the Teteriv River. It is surrounded by unique natural landscapes and ancient forests. The city is a major transport hub and is well known for its light, processing and food industries. Today, Opti is a major provider of the private hire and freight services in Zhytomyr and its suburbs.
Transfer with Opti

Transfer with Opti

The role of Zhytomyr in the transport industry is determined by its geographical location. Important international and regional motorways pass through the city. There is also a railway station and three bus stations in the city. As soon as passenger flights will be renewed, Opti will provide a seamless transfer to Zhytomyr Airport, as it now does to multiple locations.
Eleven Centuries Long History

Eleven Centuries Long History

In 2019, Zhytomyr celebrated its 1135th anniversary! However, many of its sights were created by nature rather than history. For example, the famous rock Chatsky Head with a wonderful viewing point has become one of the symbols of the city. There are plenty of architectural monuments in Zhytomyr, including notorious Flat House.
More Than Just a Carrier

More Than Just a Carrier

Zhytomyr is divided into Bohun and Korolev districts, consisting of dozens of residential areas. According to official data, the population of the city is about 265 thousand, but residents of the suburbs are also actively involved in the life of the regional center. Opti, Mobility Serivices Company, is an irreplaceable assistant in private hire and freight transportation services. Not only do we move people and stuff from “A” to “B”, but also solve lots of other important tasks.