Zdolbunev joined the Opti family Kyiv

We are pleased to welcome Zdolbuniów, whose residents and guests can now use the services of Opti Taxi. It is the largest and one of the best transport services in the country.
Such achievements and recognition were made possible thanks to a large fleet of vehicles, which allows you to choose a car to suit any needs, fast delivery, and most importantly, positive experience and user reviews. Anyone who has ever had the opportunity to use the services of Opti Taxi, first of all, focuses on priorities, and in particular on the optimal tariff.
We invite residents of Zdolbunov to see for themselves the benefits of choosing Opti by ordering a taxi. This can be done in two ways:
Call 579 from a mobile or landline.
Download the Opti mobile app here: https://opti.global/app
In the application, users already have a 40% discount on the first two trips, which is valid for 90 days from the moment of installing the mobile application.
Opti Taxi – traffic inspires!
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