150 trips for International Women's Day! Kyiv

OPTI knows best what to give!
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Opti is giving away 150 trips. The smartest people will have a unique opportunity to give women the pleasure of a free ride.
The promotion will take place on Instagram at the link instagram.com/opti.taxi.579 , so hurry up, because the number of trips is limited.
Follow Opti Taxi on Instagram: instagram.com/opti.taxi.579.
Tag the lucky winner's profile in the comments under the post about the lottery.
A personal promotional code will be sent between March 11 and March 13 directly to the marked profile.
A discount of up to 200 hryvnia using a promotional code is provided in the mobile application once and cannot be combined with other promotions and discounts. The promotional code is valid until March 20, 2024.
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