Meet the national service "Opti Taxi" in Poltava! Kyiv

Meet the national service

Ukraine's largest taxi network launched in Poltava. We cordially welcome residents to the Opti Taxi and Opti Global family!

Of course, the event cannot do without gifts for each new passenger. What have we prepared for Poltava? - You can find out about it in this article!

Opti Taxi: the largest coverage network of an exclusively Ukrainian brand

The company was founded in 2005 by Peter Kovtun under the brand name "Optimal Taxi 579". Until the end of 2000, the Optimal Taxi network was one of the largest private carriers in the capital and operated in other large cities of Ukraine.

In 2019, the company underwent a large-scale rebranding, as a result of which the Opti Global group of companies appeared under the single Opti brand. At the same time, the company introduced its own application. The application allows you to order about 10 separate transport services, the possibility of ordering targeted and courier delivery, as well as buying tickets for all types of rail, bus and air services.

During the full-scale invasion, the service did not stop, on the contrary, it increased the pace of expansion. Thus, the company expands the geography of its presence and provides quality services at the best prices in new cities of Ukraine. In recent months, Opti Taxi has been launched in the cities of Grudek, Dunaevtsy, Chemerivtsy, Uzhgorod and Poltava.

Thus, by the end of 2022, Opti already has branches in 39 cities of free Ukraine. From now on, residents of Poltava can use the best transport services at the best prices.

Opti Taxi: get gifts from the best transport service

The largest taxi network in the country could not leave the townspeople without gifts. So, in 2022, Opti Taxi has prepared the following gifts for new customers:

open or download our application in the Play Market, App Store or App Gallery;
call a car in your city;
ride along the route;
Get up to 30% discount on three trips per month.

But that's not all!

Only now you can get cool bonuses from the largest online banks in the country - A-bank and sportbank.

How to get 10% cashback from A-bank and 5% from sportbank?

download the Opti Taxi application;
pay for travel at home with a card from one of the banks;
get 10% cashback from A-bank and 5% from sportbank to your cards;

OptiTaxi: movement inspires