Happy Independence Day of Ukraine! Kyiv

January 22 is a special day in the history of our country, because on this day in 1919 a significant event took place: the signing of the Act of Unification of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's Republic. This day symbolizes the unity, indivisibility and common goal of the Ukrainian nation - to live in a free, strong and independent state. For us, unification is not only history, but also modernity. It is the power that helps to overcome all difficulties and move forward, building the future for the next generations. Each of us is part of a large Ukrainian family that is proud of its achievements and confidently looks to the future. The Opti Group of Companies congratulates every Ukrainian on Unification Day! May love for our Motherland always burn in our hearts, and unity and mutual support remain the key to our strength. We are together. We are strong. We are Ukraine!
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