Аppeal to people with COVID to avoid taxi rides and stay at home Kyiv

Over the last few days, the company has experienced an increase in the number of bookings made by customers in different cities of Ukraine that voice their diagnosis: “COVID-positive”.
Internal statistics shows that an average driver has a family of 3 people and makes at least 10 rides per day contacting around 20 passengers that go to work or home. Consequently, if you suffer from COVID and book a taxi, you can theoretically infect 25 people or even more due to one ride.
“Our priority is life and health of our drivers, all passengers and their families. For this reason, following the initiative of Ukrzaliznytsia, we summon people with COVID to stay home and all passengers and drivers – to wear masks correctly during rides making sure they completely cover their nose and mouth,” says Petro Kovtun, founder of Opti. “Of course, our drivers have to adhere to quarantine measures in terms of saloon disinfection and use of sanitizers, but taking into account the speed of virus spreading in Ukraine, we must take an even more responsible approach.”
We summon our customers to behave responsibly and not to conceal the illness, follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health to stay home and use delivery services.
Everyone, with no exceptions, has to wear a protective mask during rides correctly.
If you see Opti driver that wears a mask improperly or has no mask at all, please contact the hotline0800508579.
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